Greg Brady The Fraudster Extortionist
Greg Brady is a failed carpenter & boxer who fraudulently claims to be blind when he is fine and images (as below) found of his being fine. He claimed that he was operated by a ghost at Accuvision Eye Clinic and never met his surgeon (despite all pieces of evidence to the contrary).
He said that he has gone blind and presented pictures of massively injured eyes and face, which are found to be post-boxing injuries. He also lodged false complaints with the police about the same issue and owing to pressure from the BBC, the Metropolitan police appointed its top detectives on the unbelievable case.
Sadly for Brady and his agent, Nicola Dowling, videos were found of Mr.Brady walking perfectly well on the busy streets of London.
These videos were played in the tribunal hearing and left the entire public gallery in the hearing shell-shocked (copies of the video to be shared soon). Also found were numerous pictures posted by Mr.Brady on social media (see some of them below) showing how happy and clear-visioned he was after his eye surgery.
Although he removed the photos when lodging the false complaint, these were dug out online from google cache (Brady was shown and asked about them in court- to which no plausible answer was available).
Pictures included him driving sports cars after surgery, mentioning his great vision, taking dogs for a stroll and almost another 100 pictures from social media post-surgery. He had also posted Instagram posts with semi – nude pictures of himself saying that he was feeling on top of the world and on cross examination mentioned “I am vain- what’s your problem.” For a change, the courtroom was packed with laughter.

Showing off being able to see without glasses
Huge fraud evidence found.
Greg Brady pretending to be blind, but his photos found online where he was on top of the world and in perfect vision following surgery.
Photos deleted online to erase evidence but were dug out later in investigation.

An After training selfie without glasses … thats rare lol

- Despite a perfect surgery and outcome, Ms. Dowling manipulated fake pictures like these and posted them online for Greg Brady, stating that he has lost his vision due to laser surgery
- In reality, this is a picture after one of Greg’s boxing matches, where he lost badly.
Notice that he has a black eye & a swollen face which doesn’t happen after a laser eye surgery.

Enjoying his vision after surgery and then shamelessly suing the clinic with fraud allegations.
- Brady recorded to be walking in the busy streets of London whilst claiming to be blind.
- At the same time, he had claimed compensation saying that:

Showing off his car and driving it.

Sharing everything months after the surgery.

More pictures post op showing he was enjoying life.

Again mention to great vision without glasses

Contrasting fake photos and look at the blood. Its fake

Dog walking

Shameless lies

Driving his new car after perfect vision without glasses.
Eight months later, the police dismissed the case, but surprisingly, took no action against Mr.Brady for the false complaint